passion to positivity

How To Use Positivity To Fulfill Your Dreams!

Blog By Jun 03, 2024 12 Comments

Hey Love, bring on your sunny glow….

There is a famous quote (one of my favorite quotes of all time) by Lao Tzu, a semi-legendary ancient Chinese philosopher, that I absolutely love. “Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.”

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The Commitment

How committed are you to your dreams? Are you still actively working on them? If so, what are you feeding them on a daily basis? And to my lovely readers, what are you feeding yourselves? I hope you’re investing in your personal growth, striving towards your best lives, and embracing motivation as you pursue your dreams. You may not realize it yet, but each of us possesses innate gifts that are meant to be shared with the world. What are you doing to impact lives and empower others? Remember, your journey can inspire and uplift those around you.

This topic is close to my heart, and it astonishes me to see so many people who don’t believe in their dreams and are merely existing. I recently released a video on YouTube about this subject, and I’m sharing the link with you. I hope it inspires you to pursue your passions and live life to the fullest. Your dreams are worth believing in and striving for.

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!” — Dolly Parton

Positivity vs Negativity

In my every day life, I talk to so many people, and quite a lot tend to favor the negative aspects of life rather than embracing positivity. It feels like, you could just share a miracle with them, and the first thing they will do is adopt a negative outlook. When you experience a blessing, or you realize a miracle just happened in your life, what truly matters is the blessing in action. However, in my personal experience, I realize how some people are having a hard time embracing a positive attitude in life. This is probably more common than we may want to think of it.

This tendency to favor negativity can permeate various aspects of their lives, impacting their relationships, perspectives, aspirations, and overall well-being. I want to emphasize the importance of cherishing each moment, focusing on gratitude, and making the most of our time rather than dwelling on negativity or allowing external factors to overshadow our appreciation for life.

My Outlook 

When it comes to investing in myself, I know it’s important to pour in positive energy and keep myself well-hydrated, so to speak. Likewise, when it comes to my dreams, I embrace an attitude of gratitude and focus on the positive aspects of whatever situation I’m faced with. It’s no surprise if I tell you that watering your dreams is important because it gives them life and energy. Just as plants require water to grow, and so do your ambitions.

By cultivating a positive energy and motivation, you supply them with the necessary ingredients for them to grow and thrive. Without this attention, dreams might wither and perish, lost to uncertainty and stagnation. When you water your dreams, you invest in their potential, allowing yourself to pursue them with zeal and drive. This process not only drives your dreams, but it also improves your resilience in the face of adversity, allowing you to overcome hurdles and achieve new heights.

In the end, watering your dreams is about respecting your goals and making a commitment to seeing them through, creating a future full of fulfillment and meaning.

The Domino Effect 

When you know how to let your inner drive water your dreams, you will unlock the full potential of your dreams with optimism and motivation. By practicing gratitude and mindfulness, we can help shift focus away from negativity towards appreciation for the blessings and miracles present in everyday life. If you ask me, life is a miracle on its own. Every day, we encounter miracles in our lives; they come as blessings.

It’s very important that we appreciate these moments instead of focusing on inconveniences or problems that may arise from the events preceding the outcomes. What’s more important? Being alive and well with no injuries after a car accident, or the potential increase in your insurance premium because the car is totaled and you’re at fault? To me, it’s a no-brainer—I’m alive and well. Let’s learn to choose to be grateful instead of being concerned about other factors.

Choosing gratitude over worry can improve our general state of mind and outlook on life. Trusting in the cosmos, or believing in a higher force or bigger purpose, can bring a sense of calm and perspective in the midst of life’s uncertainty. It is about giving up control over things we cannot change and adopting an attitude of acceptance and thankfulness for the present moment. We can develop resilience, optimism, and inner peace by focusing on the positive and trusting that everything will work out as it should.

Final Thoughts

I am a firm believer that we should never stain our own hourglass. In essence, I want to encourage each one of you to prioritize positivity, mindfulness, and self-care in order to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. Remember to nourish your dreams with optimism, gratitude, and resilience. Aim to become the best version of yourself, steadfast in the belief that you can make your dreams a reality!

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” — Winston Churchill


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  1. Charli Dee says:

    Thank you for reminding us how powerful positivity is! I’m not very good with polity myself. It’s an area I really struggle with. One time in college I had a classmate I became a bit close with. We would talk all the time!However, every time she would ask me about how I’m doing, I would say something negative or complain. On one day when she asked me how I was doing it was my birthday, and I still complained! I didn’t even mention that it was my birthday! God blessed me to see another year, and I was complaining and so ungrateful! I’m still struggling with thinking positively these days, especially since I’m struggling career wise, but I’m seeing this down time as an opportunity to grow my blog and turn it into a business! That’s positive thinking! Thank you for this beautiful post!

    1. Domii says:

      Hi Charli,
      I’m truly touched by your story. We all have areas in our lives where we struggle, and the fact that you’re aware of it and willing to make a change is already a huge step forward. I believe that working on ourselves and allowing the universe to guide us is key to growth. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small it seems. I’m here to help and support you on this journey!

  2. Hari says:

    Positivity is a key aspect for fulfilling our dreams in my opinion. Thanks a lot for this inspiring post!

    1. Domii says:

      Hi Hari,
      Thank you for your feedback! I am glad that this article resonates with you.

  3. jimmy clare says:

    I love the positivity

    1. Domii says:

      Hi Jimmy,
      Thanks for your input!

  4. Jojo Reyes Jr. says:

    I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on the subject.

    1. Domii says:

      Hi Jojo,
      Thanks for your feedback!

  5. Very great post, and such a timely read. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Domii says:

      Hi Sheenia,
      Thank you for your feedback! I’m glad you enjoyed the post and found it timely!

  6. Corrinne says:

    Great post. I can be a little pessimistic and I really need to work on that. I’m trying to have a more positive outlook on life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Domii says:

      Hi Corrinne,
      I totally get that… shifting to a positive mindset is a journey! It’s great that you’re already working on it, and every little step makes a difference. Thanks for connecting and sharing that here!

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